Entrepreneur Headshots from a Military Veteran Shoot

This is Bryan, he’s launching a new business with some partners in the coming year. So, we got together for a quick headshot session on the campus of St. Johns College in Annapolis. Using shallow depths of fields, confident poses and a powerful daylight strobe, we created these simple high-end looking headshots, some of which he’ll be using a lot of very soon!

You might be interested to know is that these headshots didn’t cost Bryan a dime, because Bryan is a recently retired military veteran. What you may not know about Petruzzo Photography is that we provide headshot services for free, as a standard practice, for all retired military personnel who are starting their first business.

So, check out some of our favorite shots from our session with Bryan below, and start cramming to think who you should share this with. (Hint, it’s everyone. Share it with everyone.)