A Quick Hassle-Free Headshot Session in Annapolis

Headshots are virtually a necessity these days for anyone who needs to be noticed. Getting a new job, starting or rebranding a business, taking on a new and higher profile role in your job. In all of these cases, it’s important to curate how your portray yourself and what impressions you send. In most cases, it’s just not good enough to repurpose some random photo that you like. What you like about a photo tends to be quite personal. But what other people like about your photo is who that photo makes them think you are.

You may like a photo because it hides a double chin, but trust me, no one else is looking for or at the double chin. They’re looking at how they imagine you’ll make them feel, and that has a lot more to do with the overall quality of the photo than you might think.

The good news is that a headshot session can be quick and painless and it can take place almost anywhere. The images below were all captured in the same 45 minute session in Annapolis. You can see how many great images can come out such a brief session. And, although this client didn’t need a change of clothes, that’s always an option for creating an even great variety of images.

If it’s finally time for a new headshot, get in touch with us today! Or check out the page for professionals here on our website for more details.